Friday, April 06, 2007

my dream desk

: : this is one of the most beautiful desks I've ever seen! from the norweigan design firm .norway says. who created the mica MP3 player which was all over design magazines this past year. these guys have put Norway on the design map. their website is well worth a visit.

...and I'm going to start putting away money right now for my dream desk! available at nova 68 for $ 2,250.


Jeremy Faro said...

your desk is now on sale for $850 at your favorite retailer...

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

A work of art!
The problem is it would be covered with stuff, or the other problem being that it would not be covered with stuff, I would just sit there, admire it’s beauty + no work would get done. Hum...such a conundrum.