: : the NYC blackout was 6 years ago today. I wonder how much we learned from it. we are still so incredibly dependent on electricity and oil. when will we change our habits?
but that day seemed magical. I almost wish I could have been there. as long as I wasn't stuck on a subway train. but seeing the city quiet, without lights, the streets flooded with people...must have been incredible and eyeopening.
photos from .here.
i was in upstate new york, starting college. i promise it wasn't all that exciting at least in rochester; just a regular old inconvenient blackout. perhaps the city was different?
we was there with a crew from 11 for the idsa conference...oh what fun we had!! It certainly was a thought provoking experience....
Those few days where the best, most exciting days and nights of my life. The streets of the 5 boros were turned even more alive than ever. Millions of people roamed from shop to shop to eat the free food that was being given away to avoid spoiling. The fire hydrants had faucets attached to them so people without water could bathe...it was pretty hot those couple of nights. The occasional exotic car would wiz by taking advantage of the fact that there were no stop lights. Huge groups of people would wander about and find more people that they knew making groups even larger. There were fires in the street so people could see at night...i cant even describe the fun that was had most...unfortunatly there was also the dark side to the blackout...medical equipment keeping people alive failing, people being trapped in subways and elevators for long periods of time, etc.
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